
Do you believe that you can do more than you think? Sometimes it is better to stop thinking and start doing! This time we are ready to inspire you and would like to discuss such topic as "Motivation". Join our meeting this Sunday on the 14th of May at 12:00! Together we can do it! And... YES, WE CAN!


Say you name,

What does motivate you to study English?

Watch and discuss Video 1


Use useful materials from British Council, or use our local storage. Discuss together section 'Before you listen'.


Group 1

1. What motivated you to start a diet?
2. Is it important to motivate children? How?
3. Can some people destroy your motivation?
4. What is something a boss can do to motivate his workers?
5. What are some of the factors of motivation?
6. What part does motivation plays in effective teaching?
7. In what way can we help people to increase their motivation?
8. Why do you study English?
9. What is your proudest accomplishment so far this year?
10. What is the difference between internal and external motivation?
11. Do you find that motivated people are more successful than unmotivated people?
12. What do you do to keep your motivation?
13. Do you have an English goal?
14. Is your goal specific, measurable, with a deadline?

Group 2

1. How do you maintain your motivation when you fail?
2. Do you share goals and plans with others so that they will help you maintain your motivation and drive?
3. What do you do if you feel your English is not improving?
4. What role do teachers play in motivating students? What role do students play in motivating teachers?
5. Have you ever tried to motivate someone else to do something? How did you feel after?
6. Under what conditions can motivation be influenced by ambition?
7. Can motivation influence competitive behavior?
8. Tell three things that make you to be motivated.
9. What are three things that motivate you?
10. Do you feel motivated when learning something new?
11. How would you describe motivation?
12. Does motivation affect learning?
13. How do you motivate your friends?
14. Have you ever tried to quit smoking?

Activity 1

Listen to the audio from the same British Council 'Motivation' lesson and anwer True\False questions. Again feel free to use audio and questions from our local storage. 

Watch and discuss Video 2 

Watch and discuss Video 3

Useful videos




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English in Kupchino. Speaking club 2017 - 2020
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