
Welcome to English in Kupchino Speaking Club home page!

We are enthusiasts from St.Petersburg Russia, who enjoy speaking and studying English. This web site is a source of materials that we used on our weekly meetings with other members who speak English as a Second Language (ESL).

Inside of every topic, you can find detailed plan for the meeting that is supported by useful video and audio materials. Each meeting is usually last for two hours with a short coffee break in the middle of the event for cookies and small talks.

Feel free to use these materials in your study or discussion meetings. We hope our materials will be inspiring and help you to organize an exciting meeting!

English in Kupchino.Speaking Club is a real place for communication. We enjoy spending time together practising and studying. This place for people of any ages and English competency. Feel free to join our live meeting that is held once a week - every Sunday at 12 a.m. We get together to watch videos, do useful tasks and discuss different topics. Find additional details in our community



Buy Me A Coffee 

Please, consider a small donation to support us with running this web site free of Ads and covering hosting payments. Check this Buy me a coffee link



Subscribe our Youtube channel and have fun!  




English in Kupchino. Speaking club 2017 - 2020
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