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New Year, Christmas and Speaking Club anniversary

We are going to discuss Holidays such as New Year, Christmas and English in Kupchino. Speaking club.'s first birthday. We are preparing a small surprise for you. Be ready to express congratulations!


Say your name, 

Please, express congratulations for our English club first anniversary!

Watch and discuss Video 


1) Are there special foods connected with New Year or Christmas holidays?
2) Is gift giving a part of New Year holiday?
3) What are some of the things that are done to show that New Year or Christmas holidays are being observed?
4) Do you decorate the inside of your house for the New Year holiday?
5) Are there special songs associated with New Year or Christmas holidays? Do you remember such English song?
6) Do you see your relatives during New Year holiday? Who did you visit? Do you visit them every year on this holiday?
7) How many different nationalities or ethnic groups do you see celebrating Christmas holiday?
8) What do you usually do for New Year or Christmas holidays? What would you like to do next year?

Watch and discuss Video 2

9) What holidays have disappeared in your country?
10) What new holidays are needed in your country?
11) What special clothing/customs are associated with your favorite holiday?
12) Do you like to stay up late on holidays?
13) How many holidays do you have in your country?
14) Do you celebrate holidays differently now than you did when you were a child?
15) If you could visit any other country during Christmas, where would you go?
16) Are any particular films shown during New Year or Christmas holidays?

Watch and discuss Video 3

Listening exercise

Listen to audio and fill the gaps. 

Script Audio and questions download here.

Watch and discuss Video 4


1) Can you think of two things you were happy about from last year?

2) What is your favorite holiday memory? Tell us about it.

3) Do you have any special family New Year or Christmas traditions?

4) What are the pros and cons of spending holidays with your family, with your friends, or alone?

Useful videos





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English in Kupchino. Speaking club 2017 - 2020
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